Home Technology What kind of problems do you have with low IT literacy? How to improve it

What kind of problems do you have with low IT literacy? How to improve it

by Yasir Aslam
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In order to navigate the digitalization wave that companies and individuals face every day, it is essential to have the appropriate IT knowledge and skills. Companies and organizations in particular are required to improve the IT literacy of each employee.

In this article, we will explain the basic concept of IT literacy, the problems caused by low IT literacy, and how companies and organizations can improve their IT literacy.

What is IT literacy?

IT literacy refers to the ability to have basic knowledge and skills about information technology and to use them appropriately. Roughly speaking, it can be said to be the skills and knowledge to master IT. Specifically, it includes basic computer and internet operations, data management, security awareness, and understanding and use of the latest technology.

People with high IT literacy can flexibly respond to the introduction of new technologies and software and carry out their work efficiently. On the other hand, people with low IT literacy cannot keep up with the digitalization trend and may unintentionally cause security incidents. It is no exaggeration to say that IT literacy has become common sense in society and is needed regardless of industry or business type.

Problems caused by low IT literacy

Low IT literacy can cause a variety of problems. Let’s take a look at three typical problems.

A security threat arises

Low IT literacy can lead to a lack of security measures, such as the use of easy passwords and clicking on phishing links, which increases the security risk for the entire company.

There is also a term “security literacy” that is specific to security. For more information on the importance of security literacy and how to educate employees.

This leads to a decrease in productivity

Another problem to be concerned about is the decline in work efficiency and productivity. For example, if you cannot operate basic software, you will spend a lot of time on simple tasks. Also, if you lack troubleshooting skills, it will take longer to solve problems and your productivity will decrease. If these problems accumulate, it may weaken your competitiveness and hinder your company’s growth. In these days when digitalization of work is progressing regardless of industry or business type, a decline in productivity due to lack of IT literacy is one of the major problems.

Slow response to technological change

Low IT literacy makes it easy for companies to resist the introduction of new technologies and systems. If companies are slow to respond to technological change, they may miss out on the latest business opportunities and fall behind in market competition. For example, if digital transformation (DX) is slow to be promoted, companies will not be able to respond quickly to customer needs, resulting in lost business opportunities.

Additionally, many companies have introduced teleworking since around 2020 as a measure against the spread of COVID-19. Companies that quickly responded to these technological changes were able to continue their business activities even during the COVID-19 pandemic, but those that were not able to adapt must have had a very difficult time. It is important to remember that low IT literacy can lead to delays in responding to technological changes, which can lead to lost business opportunities.

Why is it important to improve IT literacy in companies and organizations?

Improving IT literacy is directly linked to the growth of companies and organizations. Low IT literacy can lead to concerns about decreased productivity and security risks, but improving IT literacy can solve these problems. In addition, it is possible to promote digital transformation and strengthen a company’s competitiveness.

In order to promote digital transformation, it is essential for employees to have IT skills. Organizations with high IT literacy can quickly adopt new technologies and streamline business processes. In addition, proper management and analysis of data can help companies make strategic decisions.

From this, it can be said that for a company or organization, improving the IT literacy of each employee will reduce security risks, improve the company’s competitiveness, and strengthen its position in the market.

How to improve IT literacy within a company or organization

Finally, we will briefly introduce how to improve IT literacy within companies and organizations.

Implementing an effective education program

For companies to improve their IT literacy, it is important to introduce a systematic education program. By providing a curriculum that allows employees to learn from the basics to advanced skills in stages and by providing practical training, the skills can be firmly established. It is also effective to provide a flexible learning environment by utilizing online courses and workshops.

Actively introducing and utilizing the latest technology

The introduction and use of the latest technology is the key to improving IT literacy. Actively introduce new tools and software and increase opportunities for employees to use them. It is also important to create an environment where employees can always acquire the latest knowledge through regular updates and training. By actively introducing and using the latest technology, you can build an organization that can quickly respond to technological change.

Improving IT literacy is essential for the growth of not only individuals but also the entire company. Through appropriate educational programs and the introduction of the latest technology, we aim to create an organization in which all employees have high IT skills. By working to improve security awareness and business efficiency, we can strengthen our competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth.


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