Home AI What is the impact of AI on the media? Introducing examples of media AI utilization

What is the impact of AI on the media? Introducing examples of media AI utilization

by Yasir Aslam
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AI has come to be used in all our daily lives and business scenes. The wave of AI innovation is also coming to the media and content industries. In this article, we will focus on “the impact of AI on the media” and explain its outline and application examples.

The influence of AI is spreading to the media



What is AI?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is an artificial reproduction of a part of human intelligence using software. Humans make many guesses and judgments in their lives, but AI can automatically extract and judge features such as patterns and rules for making judgments.

Impact of AI on the media

In the days when there was only TV, there was competition for ratings. However, with the advent of YouTube, Netflix, and smartphones, the range of content choices for viewers has greatly expanded. Even in such video distribution services, AI that proposes works that match the tastes of each viewer is used.

Mediaization of physical stores is also progressing

Real spaces such as physical stores are also becoming media. For example, the case of purchasing an actual product online after seeing it in a store is a typical example of mediaization. With AI, it will be possible to understand the purchasing consciousness and consumption behavior of users, which will be useful for digitizing real stores.


Types of media that are greatly affected by AI


There are three main types of media that are greatly affected by AI. Here, we will explain the outline and features of each medium.


Mass media

Mass media is a “mass-oriented” communication medium that sends information to an unspecified number of people, such as tens of thousands to tens of millions of people. The mass media plays multiple roles such as news, commentary / enlightenment, education, entertainment, and advertising, and is also known for its great social influence.

Web media

Web media are websites that send out some information on the Internet. It can be accessed not only on a personal computer but also on a terminal that can connect to the Internet, such as a smartphone or tablet.

Social media

Social media refers to media that includes social elements such as information dissemination by individuals and connections between individuals. In receiving information, it can also be a sender of information at the same time, and it is a major feature of social media that “diffusion” occurs due to interaction.

Media AI utilization cases


Vendors serving media agencies are also stepping up their efforts to leverage AI. Here, we will introduce six examples of media AI utilization.


Real-time Japanese conversion system

The real-time Japanese conversion system is an AI technology mainly used in mass media. TV Asahi, which covers the Kanto area as a broadcast target area, uses AI-OCR to display telops of athlete names in overseas sports broadcasts, and realizes automatic Japanese conversion in real time.

Fully automatic real-time subtitles

Internet TV “AbemaTV” uses AI voice recognition technology to develop live broadcast programs that display AI subtitles in real time. In addition, the subtitles sent by broadcasting are saved in the log and can be linked with various recording and broadcasting servers, so in recording and rebroadcasting, subtitles can be sent out with the touch of a button.

Image recognition

AI technology is also used for image recognition. A particular topic in image recognition using AI was “SEER” announced by the Facebook research team. SEER is a self-supervised learning technique from unlabeled random image groups on the Internet. It autonomously examines the contents of the dataset and learns in the process, achieving top-level accuracy in tasks such as object detection.

SNS video collection

A lot of attention is also being paid to “Newsdeck,” a service that automatically collects images and videos of incidents, accidents, disasters, etc. from the Internet using AI and provides them to the news media with the permission of the poster. Newsdeck collects images and videos related to incidents, accidents, and disasters in real time from various SNS, and AI classifies them into items such as “earthquake,” “traffic accident,” and “fire.” As a result, the labor of the employees in charge of the survey can be reduced, leading to an improvement in labor productivity.

Recommended engine

A recommendation engine is software that identifies the right offers, products, and content to website and mobile app users, as well as customers interacting through digital channels, to personalize the customer experience. .. AI technology mainly used in web media is being introduced by major companies such as Amazon and Netflix.


A chatbot is a robot program that handles real-time response work on behalf of humans. AI chatbots use AI’s ability to derive correct answers based on past statistical data and provide accurate answers to customer inquiries. In the media industry, Korona-ka has regained attention as a non-contact technology for measures against denseness and leveling of congestion, and the range of utilization has expanded.

Introducing TRYETING’s AI tools


We recommend the two AI tools developed by TRYETING for corporate personnel who want to utilize AI for internal operations and promote DX conversion. Here, we will introduce the no-code AI tool “UMWELT” and the automatic shift creation AI tool “HRBEST”, the product features of each, and the merits of their introduction.


No-code AI tool “UMWELT”

The no-code AI tool “UMWELT” is a cloud service that allows you to easily introduce AI without a server by using the existing system as it is. With a large number of proven algorithms, no programming language knowledge or special environment required for AI implementation is required. You can easily build AI just by operating the mouse. In addition, the period until the introduction of AI is 1/4 of the conventional one, and high-speed introduction is realized. Another advantage is that the introduction cost is 1/10 of the conventional cost, which is the lowest level in the industry.

Shift automatic creation AI tool “HR BEST”

With the shift creation service “HR BEST” that utilizes AI, it is possible to automatically create the optimum shift by machine learning. Employees submit the “desired date and time of shift” from within the smartphone app, and the shift creator displays the submitted information on the calendar and automatically arranges it. You can also propose “members who are likely to enter the shift” after learning past shift information. The shift table creation work, which was all done manually in the past, can be greatly streamlined.


This time, we have explained the impact of AI on the media, examples of media AI utilization, and recommended AI tools. AI technology is evolving day by day, and will become indispensable for human life and corporate development in various fields in the future. By all means, please refer to this article to deepen your knowledge about AI and use AI for your own business.


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