Home AI What is AI training? Specific explanation of what you can learn

What is AI training? Specific explanation of what you can learn

by Yasir Aslam
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With the arrival of the full-scale AI era, it is an urgent task to develop AI human resources. I think there are many people in charge of companies who want to incorporate it into employee training as soon as possible. In this article, we will explain the content of AI training required to keep up with the accelerating wave of AI introduction.

The introduction of AI training is widespread

With the introduction of AI training spreading, let’s first look at the outline of AI and the specific content of AI training.

What is AI (artificial intelligence) in the first place?

AI (artificial intelligence) is an abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence, which is an artificial reproduction of a part of human intellectual action using software. Artificial intelligence that exists as of 2022 is either human-like or smarter artificial intelligence (specialized AI) for specific tasks, or a tool that reproduces a part of human intelligence (weak AI).
It is said that there is no conscious artificial intelligence (strong AI) that is as smart as humans or smarter than humans (general-purpose AI) or that human intelligence itself is precisely reproduced in every task. .. However, AI technology is expected to continue to evolve at an accelerating pace.

What is AI training?

AI training is literally training to learn about AI. There are various purposes and training contents for AI, from those who want to learn from the basics to those who want to deepen their knowledge. The specific content of the training will be described later.


What you can learn from AI training: Utilization

Now, I will explain the curriculum that you can actually learn in AI training.

Basic knowledge of AI

Learn about the history of AI from the first AI boom to the third AI boom, the current state of AI, and future forecasts of how AI will evolve in the future.
In addition, basic terms related to AI include machine learning, neural networks, big data, deep learning, and data mining. There are many terms that I have heard once, and even if I have a vague understanding of their contents, it is difficult to elaborate on them. So, first of all, you will learn the basic terms related to AI and how to use it.

How to use AI tools

Next, you will learn how to use AI tools that are suitable for your company and the steps and points that you should take when introducing AI to the actual site.
AI development tools have been released by many IT vendors, but in order to select the one that suits your company’s requirements, it is necessary to consider not only the cost but also the operation method and environment construction.

Business improvement utilizing AI

Think about the business content that will lead to improvement by utilizing AI. For example, in the manufacturing industry, the use of image recognition technology enables faster and more accurate object recognition, leading to improved manufacturing efficiency. If you are a customer center, you can use AI chatbots to respond quickly to frequently asked questions, which will improve user satisfaction and reduce human costs. We will learn these cases in a classroom lecture and think about how to utilize our own business.


What you can learn from AI training: Skills

From here, let’s take a closer look at the skills that can be learned in AI training.

Programming language

Learn the programming languages ​​needed for AI development. There are many different types of programming languages, but Python, which features simple code, is popular because it is in high demand and relatively easy to learn.

Data analysis

Once you have acquired data analysis skills, you will be able to utilize internal data. As a result, we can expect to contribute to improving operational efficiency and increasing sales.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a method of letting artificial intelligence learn knowledge by itself based on past experience and statistical data. You can discover rules and patterns in the data that humans cannot think of. In the training, you will learn the principles of machine learning and the differences in learning methods (supervised learning, unsupervised learning, enhanced learning, semi-supervised learning, deep enhanced learning).


Key points for successful AI training

Now that we’ve looked at the content of AI training, let’s consider three points for successful AI training.

Clarify the purpose

It is not limited to AI training, but the first is to clarify the purpose of the training. If the purpose remains ambiguous, the training will not be fruitful and cannot be put to practical use. It is necessary to clarify the future utilization method of AI in the company’s business and share the vision with the trainees.

Clarify the target person

Decide who will take the AI ​​training. If you are a complete amateur with regard to AI, it will take time and cost to develop as an AI human resource. We recommend that you select the target person in advance, considering the level of understanding and proficiency of each employee.

Emphasis on skill acquisition

Just understanding the basic knowledge and outline of AI will not lead to practical use. In order to effectively utilize AI in business, it is desirable to have training that emphasizes the acquisition of data analysis skills and programming skills that are useful in practice.


Issues after AI training

In order for AI training to be successful, it is necessary to keep the above points in mind, but let’s also look at the issues after the training.

Unable to formulate a training plan for AI human resources

As a preliminary step to AI training, many companies have not been able to systematize AI human resources development plans. It is necessary to understand in advance “how much AI human resources are needed in the company” and “whether education by training is enough”. On top of that, let’s create an effective AI human resources development system.

Incompatible with existing businesses

Many companies will introduce AI while continuing their existing businesses. If there is not enough human resources to have a dedicated AI introduction staff, there will be cases where you will be doing normal work while also performing AI introduction work. The person in charge may run out of time and spirit due to the work load.

I can’t improve my skills in practice

After AI training, it is necessary to utilize what we have learned to improve our skills in practice, but the problem is that we are not blessed with the opportunity. Especially for companies that have just started to introduce AI, it will be even more difficult to improve their skills in actual projects.


With UMWELT, you can develop AI without skills!

So far, I have explained about AI training. I think there are many companies that want to introduce AI as soon as possible, but are thinking that “there are no human resources with knowledge of AI” and “there is no time to train AI human resources through training”. Therefore, I would like to recommend TRYETING’s no-code AI tool “UMWELT”. With UMWELT, you can realize advanced AI development without programming, and you can build an AI system in-house without the need for specialized personnel. Currently, it is used by companies in a wide range of industries, from major companies to start-ups.


While you can learn a lot from AI training, it is also a fact that there are issues such as difficulty in planning AI human resource development. With UMWELT, our dedicated consultants run in parallel not only at the time of introduction but also after operation, so there is an advantage that AI human resources and DX human resources can be trained in your company. If you are interested in introducing UMWELT, please feel free to contact us.


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